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React Native Integration Guide

Node.js Integration

In this document we will guide you through the steps required to connect a React Native application to Persio.

A) Create a new React Native Data Source in Persio


To create a new Data Source it is a pre-requisite that you configure a Workspace and a Data Warehouse connection first. If you haven't done that so far please refer to the Data Warehouse Connection Overview.

To add a React Native Data Source to Persio follow the step-by-step guide below.

  1. Log in to Persio

  2. Go to the 'Sources' sub-menu.

  1. Please select what is the most correct for you:

Click one of the 'Create Source' buttons or the 'Get started' button

  1. Select the React Native Data Source option then click the 'Continue' button.
  1. Enter a name for your application (make sure it is an easily recognizable name for ease of general use within Persio), then click the 'Next' button
  1. After a short background process your Data Source will be prepared and a WRITE_KEY will be generated. This is a very important data for achieving the integration between your application and Persio; you will need to share this key with your application development team.

  1. Click the 'Finish' button to finalize the Data Source entry.
  1. You will be redirected back to the Sources page where your newly created Data Source will appear on the list of Data Sources, enabled and ready to use.

At this stage you have already configured Persio to accept data from your React Native application. Now it's is time to continue and prepare your application to be able to send data towards Persio.

B) Configure your Android application

For a comprehensive overview and advanced configuration options of the React Native integration using the Segment SDK, please visit the Segment SDK documentation. This resource provides detailed information to help you effectively utilize the SDK's features and maximize your React Native application's performance.